So, poetry in Kroch library or biogeochemistry seminar? Friday at 4:00pm I started walking in a non-commital direction, I ran into a classmate, gave into my fatalistic tendencies and walked in his direction, which led me, ultimately, to an hour long lecture on mycorrhizas and global climate change. In seminar I mused over my choice of genera over genre.
Yes, I do live my life from infatuation to infatuation. Right now, it's writing. I know myself well enought to know that this, too, will pass.
The one constant in all this is the people I meet along the way. I may forget everything I ever learned about form being an extenstion of content, but I'll remember each of you like it was yesterday.
It does seem like only yesterday, doesn't it? It was the first day of class and I walked in late (yes, yes, I know!). We had to name one poet and one prose author we admired. I blanked and couldn't think of one whose name I even remembered, let alone one whom I admired. "Your trying too hard," Josh insisted, "Just say the first thing that pops into your head." It had been a long summer and nothing was "popping" in my head. I said something after an eternity and was so embarassed I didn't think I could come back. I'm immensely glad that I did.
So we've gotten to know each other much better than most other classes allow. I like that. But here I've gone and assumed I know you. Just the other day I was talking with Charles and I learned that he is an animal sci major, which is very cool. Sorry, Charles, but for some reason I'd assumed you were in AEM. And Julia is nat resc, which is infinitely cool, because so am I.
Our time together is growing short, but the adventure is really just beginning . . .
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