23 September 2004

So I was sitting at my kitchen table, having my dinner (hummus, whole wheat crackers and orange juice) listening to NPR, reading The New Yorker, and feeling so mainstream. A man on NPR does a piece critizing the lack of racial diversity in New Yorker cartoons. I flip through the magazine. He's right. I wonder if his polite critique will change anything.

The news moves on to the much talked about influence of political blogs. And I started thinking about this poor little blog that I've neglected for the last few weeks. While I'm not one of the influential political bloggers, my ears perk up anytime I hear or read something about blogs. Hey, that's me! I'm a blogger. I'm a pulbisher in the blogging community and I have a group of readers that care enough about what I have to say to visit my site and leave comments (even if sometimes that group is limited to my loving mother.)

I have lots of things I'd like to talk about from the last few weeks: things from my environmental ethics class and how Shelly Kagan's Normative Ethics has given me a new tool to examine truth telling in fiction; incidents from the wood construction class I'm taking; new insights from my Women, Entrepreneurship, and Leadership class; and so much more. I finally bought a computer. My first ever. I'm getting high speed internet at home, also for the first time ever. Hopefully this will mean more time for this space, more time for writing, more time for me. I AM a blogger.