Just one more thing and then I'll get down to business. . . There is a girl in the fishbowl, I have a great view of her from my computer in the sweatbox. Her notes and textbooks and red takenote printoust are spilling over into the two carrels on either side of her. Her eyes scan the text in front of her, back and forth back and forth, machine like. Her headphones hang over her ears and behind her neck (the music must be loud, because the boy sitting two chairs over keeps giving her annoyed looks, which she is oblivious to.) She's shoves a bagel in her face, and sips something hot, and pauses periodically to smear a pink tube of chapstick on her lips and rub a purple lotion from Bath and Body Works on her hands, all the while her eyes don't stop their methodical back and forth movement over the text. Her legs are pumping rythmically, frantically. I think she's going to explode.
hanging like a ragdoll
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